Calling all donut lovers and community givers. It’s fundraising season, so it’s time to get busy!
For the month of June, the KWH Law Center is holding a Krispy Kreme Digital Dozens fundraising campaign. All you have to do is fill out this form, then visit your local Krispy Kreme to pick up your Digital Dozen (or you can buy for family/friends for them to pick up!). And let’s be honest, we all know these donuts are G-double-O-D good!
What is this you ask? The answer is simple: we’re raising money to equip a fully staffed team of attorneys, legal professionals, and activists with the tools they need to advocate for healthcare, domestic violence survivors, the safety of children, equal pay, and quality and affordable housing. To do this, we’re partnering with Krispy Kreme to sell some donuts and raise some money…because everyone’s happier when they’re fed.
How does this work? For every dozen glazed donuts you buy, KWH will receive a portion of the proceeds to invest in resources to advocate for the community. The cost is just $16.00 per dozen.

Click here for more information, and join us in the countdown to the start of our 30-day fundraiser (June 1). A donut has never tasted so good.